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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter

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Lyra E. Carter
Lyra E. Carter

posts : 3642
arrivé(e) le : 25/09/2012
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avatar : Billie - perfect - Piper

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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter Empty
MessageSujet: You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter EmptyMar 25 Sep - 17:59

Lyra Emmy Carter
« Fuel for love for ever, featuring Billie Piper »

welcome, dude !

Nom : Carter - Prénom(s) : Lyra Emmy - Âge : 30 ans - Date et lieu de naissance : 05 Juillet 1982 à Chicago- Nationalité : Américaine et Britannique- Situation sociale : classe moyenne - Sexualité : Hétérosexuelle- Vie amoureuse : Célibataire - Emploi, études : Illustratrice de livres pour enfants

Pourquoi avez-vous décidé de venir à Yellowsky ? J'ai toujours vécue à Chicago, depuis ma naissance. Bien que j'adore ma famille, j'ai décidée de partir à Yellowsky pour changer d'air et d'endroit. Être dans une ville où peu de personnes me connaissent me fait le plus grand bien. Les gens sont très sympathiques mais, moi qui voulait essayer d'oublier Ulysse - ce qui est à 99% impossible - voila que je le vois dans une rue...

Et votre particularité, c'est quoi ? Particularité... Je sais pas tellement si j'en ai. Je pourrais vous faire une sorte de résumé de mes qualités et de mes défauts mais ça ferait plutôt narcissique non ? Vraiment ? Je vais juste vous soumettre mon opinion de moi-même sans avoir à affirmer que ce que je pense est réellement la personne que je suis puisque la personne que je suis ne peut être jugée que par vous - j'espère que vous êtes toujours la. Sensible et romantique, j'adore aller voir des films à l'eau de rose pour finir en larmes à la fin car les deux amoureux sont séparés. J'ai toujours cru en mes rêves et je crois toujours que les gens autour de moi sont des gros bisounours avec des coeurs sur leurs ventres. Idéaliste moi ? Même si je viens de fêter mes 30 ans - déjà... Mon quart de siècle, où il est passée - j'ai toujours une âme d'enfant et j'aime taquiner les gens. Par contre, ne me cherchez pas. Je réponds tout de suite et je fais les choses dès qu'elle me passe par la tête. Si j'ai envie de te taper, je le fais, si j'ai envie de manger, je le fais et si j'ai envie de t'embrasser... Je le ferais ! .Je peux te sauver la vie aussi, mon courage est aussi grand que celui d'une maman singe qui veut sauver son petit qui est dans un lac et qu'un alligator veut le manger - vous voyez l'image ? - Je suis une personne assez tolérante - quand je dis ça, c'est que je tolère les homosexuelles et les bisexuelles, ça me choque absolument pas bien que je n'en raffole pas ! - Et puis, n'oublions pas que je suis plutôt humble !

Comment vous définiriez-vous ? Moi, moi, moi... J'aime pas tellement parler de moi voyez vous ! Mais bon, c'est bien parce que c'est vous. J'ai vécu toute ma vie à Chicago et j'ai rencontrée pour la première fois Ulysse quand je n'avais que 6 ans. Bien sur au départ, il n'y avait que moi qui l'espionnait - j'adorais espionner les gens petites ! - et au final, nous sommes devenus amis très rapidement. J'ai eu une enfance et adolescence relativement bonne, mes sentiments à l'égard d'Ulysse grandissaient mais il ne semblait rien voir. Et il disparut. Du jour au lendemain. Mais arrêtons de parler de lui, ce que je pourrais faire toute la journée. J'ai un véritable don pour le dessin, que j'ai découvert grâce à Ulysse, et j'en ai fait mon métier. Quand je suis stressée, je me mords toujours la lèvre ou bien, je touche mes dents avec ma langue. Avec mes cheveux blonds jusqu'au épaules et mon regard vert, j'ai eu droit à ma part de petits amis. J'adore les fraises, c'est mon péché mignon. Oh, j'oubliais ! La chose qui me fiche le plus la trouille, vous savez ces longs insectes avec plein de pattes, de couleur étrange que l'on appelle communément mille-pattes ou scolopendre ? Je les hais ! Réellement ! Rien que de les imaginer, une sueur froide me parcourt le dos.

tell me your story

Yellowsky. Le ciel jaune, comme qui dirait. Comment un ciel pourrait être jaune ? Ouais, je joue sur les mots mais bon, faut bien commencer par quelque part non ? Oui, parce que Ciel jaune suppose soleil. Donc, par pure bêtise, je sortis sans prendre de parapluie pour me rendre à la poste. Et me voilà en attente sous le porche, pestant contre cette maudite pluie. J'entends mon père d'ici : " Voyons ma chérie, il fallait rester à Chicago, il fait beau et chaud ici. Et puis, mes tartes aux fraises vont te manquer ! " Oui, mes parents sont tout deux boulangers/pâtissiers, ce qui suppose que je pouvais manger toutes sortes de patisserie quand j'étais plus jeune. Quoi, vous pensez qu'aujourd'hui encore, c'est le cas. Et bien... Je vous démentirais pas ! Bref, j'attends sous ce porche, sans savoir quand je pourrais atteindre ma maison, qui se situe à 1 bon kilomètre. Les gens passent devant moi et repassent. Je me perds dans mes pensées tellement le temps me paraît long. Et comme à chaque fois, mes pensées se rejoignent sur un seul sujet : sur lui. La dernière fois que je l'ai vu, il ne m'a pas reconnu. Trop absorbé par son futur best-seller qu'il tenait en main peut être ? J'en sais vraiment rien. Mais il n'a vraiment pas changé. Même cheveux en bataille que j'adorais ébouriffer quand nous étions plus jeunes. Même yeux chocolat, tellement profond que je m'y perdais tout le temps. Bien sur, ses traits ont muris et il fait beaucoup viril aujourd'hui. Il a déjà du avoir de nombreuses conquêtes... Ne vous y trompez pas, je ne suis pas restée sur sa perte, loin de là ! Pour tenter de l'oublier, j'ai enchaînée les hommes. Plus jeunes, de mon âge ou plus âgés, beaucoup sont passés sans jamais vraiment me satisfaire. Non, je ne suis pas une pauvre fille qui couche avec tout ce qui bouge. Mais depuis son départ et son désir de ne plus jamais me parler, il y a bien fallu que je trouve quelque chose pour l'oublier. La nourriture m'ayant fait gagner quelques kilos, le sport ne me rendant que ma ligne, une aventure me paraissait être une bonne solution. Silly Lyra. Sortant de mes sombres pensées, je m'aperçois que le soleil a fini par sortir, sans que la pluie ne s'arrête. Un magnifique arc-en-ciel se profile en face de moi. Fascinée par ce spectacle, je sors de mon sac une feuille blanche et ma palette de crayons de couleurs - ce que tout bon artiste devrait posséder. Je m'assois contre le mur et me mets à dessiner. Je rentre dans le dessin, littéralement. Dans ma tête, je suis sur le papier et j’accommode le vide avec ce que je peux. Ici, pourquoi un peu de vert ? Et là, une légère touche de gris. Sur ma feuille, le dessin prend forme. J'avance tellement absorbée par mon dessin quand soudain, je sens une main me tapoter. Je tourne la tête et me retrouve nez à nez avec une petite fille." Dis... Tu dessines bien. " Je lui souris et, comprenant le sens caché de son affirmation, je lui réponds en me relevant : " Ce n'est qu'un simple croquis. Je peux te le donner si tu veux. " Ces yeux se mirent à briller et elle sautille en l'air tout en me prenant le dessin. Elle coure vers sa mère et lui montre le dessin, toute excitée. Celle-ci me regarde et me remercie avec un hochement de tête que je lui rends. Me retournant, je remarque que la magnifique pluie a enfin choisie de s'arrêter. En soupirant, je range mon attirail et me prépare à partir quand la petite fille revient en courant. Elle m'attrape le bras pour que je me baisse à sa taille et me fait un énorme bisou sur la joue. Elle repart tout aussi contente. Je la regarde partir, un sourire en coin. Au final, ce sont les plus petites choses qui nous font oubliés tous nos soucis.

beautiful g33k, we love you !

Pseudo : Alizé (ou Little concombre pour les intimes You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3693967426 ) - Identité : femme jusqu'à preuve du contraire Very Happy - Âge : 18 ans très bientôt Very Happy - Type de personnage : Le magnifique et talentueux scénario d'Ulysse L. Stone - Comment avez-vous découvert le forum ? Au bout d'une recherche active d'un forum qui me plairait. - Quelle sera votre fréquence de connexion ? 7/7 - Comment définiriez-vous le forum, là, à chaud ? Multo Bene Very Happy

Dernière édition par Lyra E. Carter le Mar 2 Oct - 19:49, édité 5 fois
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S. Demyan Armyanski
S. Demyan Armyanski

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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter EmptyMar 25 Sep - 18:09

Haaan ce PV You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3651832253
Billie/David c'est le meilleur couple du monde You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 4271066558
Bienvenue, & si tu as des questions, n'hésite pas :3
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Lyra E. Carter
Lyra E. Carter

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avatar : Billie - perfect - Piper

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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter EmptyMar 25 Sep - 18:12

Merci Very Happy Je suis bien d'accord, ils auraient du être ensemble !!!
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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter EmptyMar 25 Sep - 18:31

TOI TOI TOI TOI TOI You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3987784739 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1112663771 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3472734492 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3651832253 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3693967426 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 949729897 I love you You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 4271066558 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 319873077 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 4020398583 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 678101107 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1239689891 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2287972378 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 4102579639 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 4159947239 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2693147222 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 687739079 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2202361828 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 644585942 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3302147091 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3265981769 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2164293255 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1199265026 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2699700833 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 4137274141 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2663297705 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 971209691 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3498106606 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 4100731683 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1323584333 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3001447195 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 258157067 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2810703480 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2032487199 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2950486965 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1913844652 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 26920972 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2781428947 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1329012842 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1049542594 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3982057981 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1998367682 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1978086825 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2371270459 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3040349044 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1797546159 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 716746398 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3233883801 :) You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 685487146 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 417309169 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2580823964 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2759662967 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 981630123 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1255097642 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1200240449 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2713904312 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3837411330 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 54791993 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2185320801 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3120136438 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1301021774 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3063329802 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2988561446 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1029833293 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1238444923 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 538757077 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1654271768 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3033413187 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3863477503 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3818126691 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 800975812 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 517795278 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2983815739 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1349952704 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1145797022 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2984619761 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2586971829 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2705640192 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3594779542 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 860637448 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2905136299 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 366196646 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3428422999 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1401586611 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 837111191 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2861174806 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2371947420 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1482943151 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 13909970 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3472734492 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 755705644

Voilààà pour toi ! You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1913844652 Je t'aime, merci de tenter le scénario ! Et puis, Lyra, quel joli prénom - qui me fait penser à Golden Compass, btw. You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 258157067 Ulysse & Lyra, ça sonne trop bien ! 8D
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B. Primrosae Blueberry
B. Primrosae Blueberry

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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter EmptyMar 25 Sep - 18:36

BIENVENUE I love you
Bon courage pour ta fiche et n'hésite pas à nous contacter en cas de besoin You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 258157067
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Lyra E. Carter
Lyra E. Carter

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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter EmptyMar 25 Sep - 18:38

Ulysseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!! You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3651832253 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 4271066558 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 450747482 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 4020398583 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3302147091 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2699700833 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1199265026 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1323584333 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 4100731683 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3498106606 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 258157067 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2950486965 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1913844652 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2781428947 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 26920972 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1049542594 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2759662967

Je trouvais aussi que Lyra et Ulysse, ça allait super méga bien ensemble You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1301021774 J'espère être à la hauteur de ce scénario (que j'aime tellement, et toi aussi mon Ulysse You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3033413187

EDIT : Merci Primrosae (quelle beau prénom You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 949729897 )
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A. Zelda Svetlanova
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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter EmptyMar 25 Sep - 18:45

Bienvenue You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 716746398
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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter EmptyMar 25 Sep - 18:49

BIENVENUUUUE You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1145797022

Billie Piper est une déesse You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 538757077
Très très bon choix de scénario You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 981630123
j'viendrais quémender un lien quand tu seras validée. You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1255097642
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Lyra E. Carter
Lyra E. Carter

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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter EmptyMar 25 Sep - 18:52

Merci Zelda (ma parole, y'a que des prénoms classes ici Very Happy)

Morgan: ...Ton lien, je l'accepte les bras ouverts entre autre !! (mon dieu, Joseph Morgan quoi You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 450747482 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 4020398583 )
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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter EmptyMar 25 Sep - 18:55

Bienvenue à toi You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3428422999
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A. Erwan Palecolm

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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter EmptyMar 25 Sep - 18:59

BIENVENUE You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2861174806

Bon courage pour ta fiche You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1239689891
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Lyra E. Carter
Lyra E. Carter

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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter EmptyMar 25 Sep - 19:08

Merci vous deux You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3651832253
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Lisbeth R. Pietersen
Lisbeth R. Pietersen

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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter EmptyMar 25 Sep - 19:28

BIENVENUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUE You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 319873077
Excellent choix de scéna et puis le titre et le pseudo, je t'aime déjà quoi You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 4271066558
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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter EmptyMar 25 Sep - 19:36

Bienvenue sur le forum (: Je te souhaite un max de plaisir en notre compagnie !!
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Lyra E. Carter
Lyra E. Carter

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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter EmptyMar 25 Sep - 20:00

Merci les filles Very Happy Keira et Jennifer, je vous aimes déjà What a Face
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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter EmptyMar 25 Sep - 20:02

COUPIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNEEEE (oui ici c'est l'autre compte de Maywenn)

Welcome parmi nouuuuussssss You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 4102579639 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3302147091 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 258157067 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1913844652
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Lyra E. Carter
Lyra E. Carter

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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter EmptyMar 25 Sep - 20:15

Tu sais que j'aime tes deux comptes ? You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 687739079
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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter EmptyMar 25 Sep - 20:19

Je sais je sais, j'suis trop seksy avec n'importe quel compte que j'ai lol... Et bientôt encore plus peut-être XD

Tu fais un heureux en plus -Ulysse hein, pas Max lol- donc j'peux que replussoyé que tu tentes le coup pour ce scéna!
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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter EmptyMar 25 Sep - 20:23

Bienvenue à toi sur le forum Very Happy !
Je te souhaite de te plaire ^^
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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter EmptyMar 25 Sep - 20:39

bienvenueeeeee. You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3651832253
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Lyra E. Carter
Lyra E. Carter

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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter EmptyMar 25 Sep - 20:43

Max : je plussoie carrèment, tes deux persos font juste partie des sexy gurlz and boyz quoi You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 2693147222 Et pour Ulysse, j'aime tellement ces deux là, je risque pas de laisser ce scénario Very Happy

Merci les filles Very Happy

EDIT : Fiche terminée You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1704850090
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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter EmptyMar 25 Sep - 20:50

Ça devient une habitude chez moi, je crois, d'oublier de souhaiter la bienvenue aux nouveaux membres qui me plaisent - Deliah pourra te le confirmer Laughing - donc BIENVENUE MA LYRA (si, si, MA Lyra èé) et désolée d'avoir oublié de te le dire dans mon précédent message. You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 4271066558 You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 1199265026 Ah, et je kiffe tes gifs. You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 644585942

edit : je vais aller lire ça. (a)
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Lyra E. Carter
Lyra E. Carter

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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter EmptyMar 25 Sep - 20:57

Et tu es MON Ulysse You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3651832253 Dis moi ce que tu en penses :3
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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter EmptyMar 25 Sep - 21:06

J'aime ta fiche. You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 644585942 Je trouve que tu as bien cerné le caractère enjoué & rêveur du scénario.

Citation :
Les gens sont très sympathiques mais, moi qui voulait essayer d'oublier Ulysse - ce qui est à 99% impossible - voila que je le vois dans un parc...

Détail sans importance, je te l'accorde, mais elle a revu Ulysse alors qu'il se promenait dans la rue. Je sais, on s'en moque, mais je m'attarde toujours sur les petits détails. Laughing Aussi, je ne sais pas si c'est ton style (et ce qu'en dira le Staff), mais je n'aime pas quand il y a des smileys dans les fiches (au sein même de la fiche, s'entend) et les rps, donc j'aimerais bien que tu n'en mettes pas, si ce n'est trop te demander ? éè Je trouve que ça coupe la narration, en fait. Finalement, j'ai remarqué ici et là des fautes d'inattention; je sais qu'on en fait tous, mais j'avoue être pointilleuse à ce sujet-là. (God, je suis vraiment exigente, pardonnez-moi. oO)

Sinooooon, eh bien c'est parfait pour moi ma petite Lyra et j'ai trop hâte de rp avec toi ! You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter 3033413187 (Il va falloir que je te mpotte à propos d'un nouveau membre qui voulait un lien assez spécial avec Ulysse, pendant que j'y pense, parce que ça concerne aussi Lyra.)
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Lyra E. Carter
Lyra E. Carter

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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter EmptyMar 25 Sep - 21:14

Pour les fautes d'inattention, je promets de faire plus attention, là j'ai juste eu très peu de sommeil et j'ai bien tentée de ne pas en faire, c'est possible qu'il y en ai :/ Et pour la rue, je change ce détail tout de suite :) Pour les smileys, je les avais mis pour ponctuer certains moments mais si ça te dérange, il n'y a pas de problème, je peux toujours les enlever :)
Oh, un lien qui me concerne aussi :) J'aime ;)
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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter Empty
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You took my hand, you show me how, you promise me you'll be around # Lyra E. Carter

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