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(lisa) « young, wild and free »

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(lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty
MessageSujet: (lisa) « young, wild and free » (lisa) « young, wild and free »  EmptyJeu 21 Mar - 17:36

jenkins, elizabeth.

22 y.o ✣ officieusement, c'est Lisa ✣ fuel for love ✣ célibataire

Née à Londres le 7 Février 1990 ✣ Elle a donc 22 ans ✣ Riche ✣ Bisexuelle, avec un penchant plus prononcé pour les hommes ✣ Elevée dans une famille aimante ✣ Elle a donc eu une enfance très heureuse ✣ Très tôt, elle se passionne pour la mode ✣ Le milieu scolaire n'est pas réellement son domaine ✣ Pourtant, elle se débrouille dans les matières artistiques et littéraires. ✣ A un sacré coup de crayon ✣ Elle adore les disneys et les Harry Potter ✣ Son film préféré est Titanic ✣ La St Valentin est un jour sacré pour elle, célibataire ou pas ✣ Croit en l'amour avec un grand A ✣ Sa famille est tout ce qu'il y a de plus important à ses yeux ✣ Le 13 Octobre 2007, elle a eu un accident avec son père et sa mère. ✣ Elle est tombée dans un coma long de 6 ans environ ✣ Elle ne sait pas si son père et sa mère s'en sont sortis ✣ Elle a d'ailleurs quelques troubles mémoriaux depuis son réveil ✣ Amicale ✣ Bienveillante ✣ S'implique énormément dans la vie de ses amis et de sa famille ✣ Toujours disponible à n'importe quelle heure du jour ou de la nuit ✣ Romantique ✣ Impulsive et spontanée ✣ Elle est donc imprévisible ✣ Rancunière ✣ Emotive ✣ Extravertie ✣ A une véritable âme d'artiste ✣ Chaleureuse ✣ Possessive ✣ Charismatique ✣ Intrépide ✣ Pleine de vie.

Dernière édition par Elizabeth "Lisa" Jenkins le Dim 24 Mar - 15:28, édité 7 fois
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(lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (lisa) « young, wild and free » (lisa) « young, wild and free »  EmptyJeu 21 Mar - 17:36


jenkins, amaury.
(lien du scéna, à écrire plus en détail) Pour Lisa, Amaury, ce n'est pas seulement un frère. C'est son meilleur ami, l'homme de sa vie. Depuis tous petits, ils ne se quittent pas. Enfin, rarement, tout du moins. Il est très inhabituel de les voir séparés. Pour vous donner une idée, leur jeu préféré était envoyé le monde des Barbie de Lisa avec les lego Star Wars d'Amaury. Complices, confidents, voilà ce qui résumerait le mieux le très fort lien qui les unit.

damston, henry.
boom night.
Boys, just do it!----Tell her you think shes cool. Tell her why you think shes so cool. Smell her hair. Talk to her in movie theatres. Pick her up and pretend youre going to throw her in the river; shell scream and fight you but secretly, shell love it. Hold her hand and skip. Hold her hand and run. Just hold her hand. Pick flowers from other peoples gardens and give them to her. Tell her she looks pretty. Let her pay for stuff if she wants to. Introduce her to your friends as The coolest girl I know. Sit in the park and talk to her. Take her to the library, and playgrounds, and train stations. Tell her dirty jokes. Tell her stupid jokes. Write poems about her. Just walk around with her. Throw pebbles at her window at night. When she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her. Take her to shows of bands shes never heard of. Hold her hand in the mosh pit. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Call her. Call her back if she calls you. Sing to her, no matter how bad you are. Carve your names into a tree. Get her mad, then kiss her. Give her piggy-back rides. Go see her band play even if they really suck, and tell her they were great. Give her space if she needs it. Push her on swings. Stay up with her all night when shes sick. Make up pet names for her, but cool ones, not sappy ones. Teach her guitar. Lend her your cds. Write on her. Make her mixtapes. Write her letters. If she asks you to go to a show with her, go, even if it means a 5 hour train trip. Take her to cool shops, and let her take you to even cooler ones. Listen to all the bands she mentions. Dont tell her that her favorite bands suck. When shes sad, hang out with her or stay on the phone with her, even if shes not saying anything. Buy her ice cream. Let her take all the photos of you she wants. Look into her eyes. Slow dance with her, even if the music is fast. Kiss her in the rain.When you fall in love with her, tell her.

palecolm, erwan.
titre du lien.
Boys, just do it!----Tell her you think shes cool. Tell her why you think shes so cool. Smell her hair. Talk to her in movie theatres. Pick her up and pretend youre going to throw her in the river; shell scream and fight you but secretly, shell love it. Hold her hand and skip. Hold her hand and run. Just hold her hand. Pick flowers from other peoples gardens and give them to her. Tell her she looks pretty. Let her pay for stuff if she wants to. Introduce her to your friends as The coolest girl I know. Sit in the park and talk to her. Take her to the library, and playgrounds, and train stations. Tell her dirty jokes. Tell her stupid jokes. Write poems about her. Just walk around with her. Throw pebbles at her window at night. When she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her. Take her to shows of bands shes never heard of. Hold her hand in the mosh pit. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Call her. Call her back if she calls you. Sing to her, no matter how bad you are. Carve your names into a tree. Get her mad, then kiss her. Give her piggy-back rides. Go see her band play even if they really suck, and tell her they were great. Give her space if she needs it. Push her on swings. Stay up with her all night when shes sick. Make up pet names for her, but cool ones, not sappy ones. Teach her guitar. Lend her your cds. Write on her. Make her mixtapes. Write her letters. If she asks you to go to a show with her, go, even if it means a 5 hour train trip. Take her to cool shops, and let her take you to even cooler ones. Listen to all the bands she mentions. Dont tell her that her favorite bands suck. When shes sad, hang out with her or stay on the phone with her, even if shes not saying anything. Buy her ice cream. Let her take all the photos of you she wants. Look into her eyes. Slow dance with her, even if the music is fast. Kiss her in the rain.When you fall in love with her, tell her.

nom, prénom.
titre du lien.
Boys, just do it!----Tell her you think shes cool. Tell her why you think shes so cool. Smell her hair. Talk to her in movie theatres. Pick her up and pretend youre going to throw her in the river; shell scream and fight you but secretly, shell love it. Hold her hand and skip. Hold her hand and run. Just hold her hand. Pick flowers from other peoples gardens and give them to her. Tell her she looks pretty. Let her pay for stuff if she wants to. Introduce her to your friends as The coolest girl I know. Sit in the park and talk to her. Take her to the library, and playgrounds, and train stations. Tell her dirty jokes. Tell her stupid jokes. Write poems about her. Just walk around with her. Throw pebbles at her window at night. When she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her. Take her to shows of bands shes never heard of. Hold her hand in the mosh pit. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Call her. Call her back if she calls you. Sing to her, no matter how bad you are. Carve your names into a tree. Get her mad, then kiss her. Give her piggy-back rides. Go see her band play even if they really suck, and tell her they were great. Give her space if she needs it. Push her on swings. Stay up with her all night when shes sick. Make up pet names for her, but cool ones, not sappy ones. Teach her guitar. Lend her your cds. Write on her. Make her mixtapes. Write her letters. If she asks you to go to a show with her, go, even if it means a 5 hour train trip. Take her to cool shops, and let her take you to even cooler ones. Listen to all the bands she mentions. Dont tell her that her favorite bands suck. When shes sad, hang out with her or stay on the phone with her, even if shes not saying anything. Buy her ice cream. Let her take all the photos of you she wants. Look into her eyes. Slow dance with her, even if the music is fast. Kiss her in the rain.When you fall in love with her, tell her.

Dernière édition par Elizabeth "Lisa" Jenkins le Dim 31 Mar - 10:40, édité 6 fois
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(lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (lisa) « young, wild and free » (lisa) « young, wild and free »  EmptyJeu 21 Mar - 17:37


brontë, enola.
mais je te connais toi
Boys, just do it!----Tell her you think shes cool. Tell her why you think shes so cool. Smell her hair. Talk to her in movie theatres. Pick her up and pretend youre going to throw her in the river; shell scream and fight you but secretly, shell love it. Hold her hand and skip. Hold her hand and run. Just hold her hand. Pick flowers from other peoples gardens and give them to her. Tell her she looks pretty. Let her pay for stuff if she wants to. Introduce her to your friends as The coolest girl I know. Sit in the park and talk to her. Take her to the library, and playgrounds, and train stations. Tell her dirty jokes. Tell her stupid jokes. Write poems about her. Just walk around with her. Throw pebbles at her window at night. When she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her. Take her to shows of bands shes never heard of. Hold her hand in the mosh pit. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Call her. Call her back if she calls you. Sing to her, no matter how bad you are. Carve your names into a tree. Get her mad, then kiss her. Give her piggy-back rides. Go see her band play even if they really suck, and tell her they were great. Give her space if she needs it. Push her on swings. Stay up with her all night when shes sick. Make up pet names for her, but cool ones, not sappy ones. Teach her guitar. Lend her your cds. Write on her. Make her mixtapes. Write her letters. If she asks you to go to a show with her, go, even if it means a 5 hour train trip. Take her to cool shops, and let her take you to even cooler ones. Listen to all the bands she mentions. Dont tell her that her favorite bands suck. When shes sad, hang out with her or stay on the phone with her, even if shes not saying anything. Buy her ice cream. Let her take all the photos of you she wants. Look into her eyes. Slow dance with her, even if the music is fast. Kiss her in the rain.When you fall in love with her, tell her.

lochlainn, artemis.
titre du lien.
Boys, just do it!----Tell her you think shes cool. Tell her why you think shes so cool. Smell her hair. Talk to her in movie theatres. Pick her up and pretend youre going to throw her in the river; shell scream and fight you but secretly, shell love it. Hold her hand and skip. Hold her hand and run. Just hold her hand. Pick flowers from other peoples gardens and give them to her. Tell her she looks pretty. Let her pay for stuff if she wants to. Introduce her to your friends as The coolest girl I know. Sit in the park and talk to her. Take her to the library, and playgrounds, and train stations. Tell her dirty jokes. Tell her stupid jokes. Write poems about her. Just walk around with her. Throw pebbles at her window at night. When she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her. Take her to shows of bands shes never heard of. Hold her hand in the mosh pit. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Call her. Call her back if she calls you. Sing to her, no matter how bad you are. Carve your names into a tree. Get her mad, then kiss her. Give her piggy-back rides. Go see her band play even if they really suck, and tell her they were great. Give her space if she needs it. Push her on swings. Stay up with her all night when shes sick. Make up pet names for her, but cool ones, not sappy ones. Teach her guitar. Lend her your cds. Write on her. Make her mixtapes. Write her letters. If she asks you to go to a show with her, go, even if it means a 5 hour train trip. Take her to cool shops, and let her take you to even cooler ones. Listen to all the bands she mentions. Dont tell her that her favorite bands suck. When shes sad, hang out with her or stay on the phone with her, even if shes not saying anything. Buy her ice cream. Let her take all the photos of you she wants. Look into her eyes. Slow dance with her, even if the music is fast. Kiss her in the rain.When you fall in love with her, tell her.

wilshire, jo.
titre du lien.
Boys, just do it!----Tell her you think shes cool. Tell her why you think shes so cool. Smell her hair. Talk to her in movie theatres. Pick her up and pretend youre going to throw her in the river; shell scream and fight you but secretly, shell love it. Hold her hand and skip. Hold her hand and run. Just hold her hand. Pick flowers from other peoples gardens and give them to her. Tell her she looks pretty. Let her pay for stuff if she wants to. Introduce her to your friends as The coolest girl I know. Sit in the park and talk to her. Take her to the library, and playgrounds, and train stations. Tell her dirty jokes. Tell her stupid jokes. Write poems about her. Just walk around with her. Throw pebbles at her window at night. When she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her. Take her to shows of bands shes never heard of. Hold her hand in the mosh pit. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Call her. Call her back if she calls you. Sing to her, no matter how bad you are. Carve your names into a tree. Get her mad, then kiss her. Give her piggy-back rides. Go see her band play even if they really suck, and tell her they were great. Give her space if she needs it. Push her on swings. Stay up with her all night when shes sick. Make up pet names for her, but cool ones, not sappy ones. Teach her guitar. Lend her your cds. Write on her. Make her mixtapes. Write her letters. If she asks you to go to a show with her, go, even if it means a 5 hour train trip. Take her to cool shops, and let her take you to even cooler ones. Listen to all the bands she mentions. Dont tell her that her favorite bands suck. When shes sad, hang out with her or stay on the phone with her, even if shes not saying anything. Buy her ice cream. Let her take all the photos of you she wants. Look into her eyes. Slow dance with her, even if the music is fast. Kiss her in the rain.When you fall in love with her, tell her.

nom, prénom.
titre du lien.
Boys, just do it!----Tell her you think shes cool. Tell her why you think shes so cool. Smell her hair. Talk to her in movie theatres. Pick her up and pretend youre going to throw her in the river; shell scream and fight you but secretly, shell love it. Hold her hand and skip. Hold her hand and run. Just hold her hand. Pick flowers from other peoples gardens and give them to her. Tell her she looks pretty. Let her pay for stuff if she wants to. Introduce her to your friends as The coolest girl I know. Sit in the park and talk to her. Take her to the library, and playgrounds, and train stations. Tell her dirty jokes. Tell her stupid jokes. Write poems about her. Just walk around with her. Throw pebbles at her window at night. When she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her. Take her to shows of bands shes never heard of. Hold her hand in the mosh pit. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Call her. Call her back if she calls you. Sing to her, no matter how bad you are. Carve your names into a tree. Get her mad, then kiss her. Give her piggy-back rides. Go see her band play even if they really suck, and tell her they were great. Give her space if she needs it. Push her on swings. Stay up with her all night when shes sick. Make up pet names for her, but cool ones, not sappy ones. Teach her guitar. Lend her your cds. Write on her. Make her mixtapes. Write her letters. If she asks you to go to a show with her, go, even if it means a 5 hour train trip. Take her to cool shops, and let her take you to even cooler ones. Listen to all the bands she mentions. Dont tell her that her favorite bands suck. When shes sad, hang out with her or stay on the phone with her, even if shes not saying anything. Buy her ice cream. Let her take all the photos of you she wants. Look into her eyes. Slow dance with her, even if the music is fast. Kiss her in the rain.When you fall in love with her, tell her.

Dernière édition par Elizabeth "Lisa" Jenkins le Ven 26 Avr - 10:41, édité 6 fois
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Violetta A. Cheshire
Violetta A. Cheshire

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avatar : Kristen Stewart (a)

(lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (lisa) « young, wild and free » (lisa) « young, wild and free »  EmptyJeu 21 Mar - 18:11

On doit faire des bébés n'oublie pas (lisa) « young, wild and free »  1112522673
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(lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (lisa) « young, wild and free » (lisa) « young, wild and free »  EmptyJeu 21 Mar - 18:16

Non, j'oublies pas (lisa) « young, wild and free »  1112522673
Tu veux qu'on fasse ça où ? x)
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Violetta A. Cheshire
Violetta A. Cheshire

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(lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (lisa) « young, wild and free » (lisa) « young, wild and free »  EmptyJeu 21 Mar - 18:19


*reviens* sinon une idée du lien ? (lisa) « young, wild and free »  4159947239
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(lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (lisa) « young, wild and free » (lisa) « young, wild and free »  EmptyJeu 21 Mar - 19:07

J'en connais un qui est venu en touriste 8D
Tu me fais une description de Kiri s'il te plait ? (lisa) « young, wild and free »  4271066558
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Violetta A. Cheshire
Violetta A. Cheshire

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arrivé(e) le : 19/03/2013
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avatar : Kristen Stewart (a)

(lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (lisa) « young, wild and free » (lisa) « young, wild and free »  EmptyJeu 21 Mar - 19:09

Je te donne des pistes de ma fiche, car la un résumé je ne serai pas le faire pour t'aider un petit peu (lisa) « young, wild and free »  4159947239


si cela te donne des idées I love you (lisa) « young, wild and free »  3651832253
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(lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (lisa) « young, wild and free » (lisa) « young, wild and free »  EmptyJeu 21 Mar - 19:11

j'en veux un avec indiana ou columbia (ou les deux *fuit* )
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(lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (lisa) « young, wild and free » (lisa) « young, wild and free »  EmptyJeu 21 Mar - 19:45

Kiri : Malheureusement, niveau idée, je suis genre stérile x) Tu veux du positif ou du néga ou un truc bien compliqué de la mort qui tue ? What a Face

Indiana : J'accepte un lien avec tes deux comptes (lisa) « young, wild and free »  258157067 Tu as une idée ? (lisa) « young, wild and free »  258157067
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Violetta A. Cheshire
Violetta A. Cheshire

posts : 466
arrivé(e) le : 19/03/2013
disponibilité pour rp : YEP :) !
avatar : Kristen Stewart (a)

(lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (lisa) « young, wild and free » (lisa) « young, wild and free »  EmptyJeu 21 Mar - 19:48

Un truc bien compliqué de la mort qui tue (lisa) « young, wild and free »  258157067
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(lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (lisa) « young, wild and free » (lisa) « young, wild and free »  EmptyJeu 21 Mar - 19:50

Owi je me doutais que t'allais me dire ça (lisa) « young, wild and free »  1913844652
Lisa vient juste de sortir de l'hopital et du coma so. Comment ils auraient pu se rencontrer ? xD
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Violetta A. Cheshire
Violetta A. Cheshire

posts : 466
arrivé(e) le : 19/03/2013
disponibilité pour rp : YEP :) !
avatar : Kristen Stewart (a)

(lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (lisa) « young, wild and free » (lisa) « young, wild and free »  EmptyJeu 21 Mar - 19:53

Bonne question, depuis quand elle y es ? elle a vécu à Londres ?
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(lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (lisa) « young, wild and free » (lisa) « young, wild and free »  EmptyJeu 21 Mar - 19:56

Elle était dans le coma depuis six ans donc x)
Oui elle a déjà vécu à Londres, elle y est née même. Enfin bref, elle est anglaise de pure souche.
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(lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (lisa) « young, wild and free » (lisa) « young, wild and free »  EmptyJeu 21 Mar - 19:56

I want ! (lisa) « young, wild and free »  1997161871
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(lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (lisa) « young, wild and free » (lisa) « young, wild and free »  EmptyJeu 21 Mar - 20:01

(lisa) « young, wild and free »  258157067 (lisa) « young, wild and free »  258157067 (lisa) « young, wild and free »  258157067 (lisa) « young, wild and free »  258157067
Bien sûr, tu as une idée ? (lisa) « young, wild and free »  258157067
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(lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (lisa) « young, wild and free » (lisa) « young, wild and free »  EmptyJeu 21 Mar - 20:14

Hm.. Pas vraiment mais je veux un lien méga super positif ❤
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(lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (lisa) « young, wild and free » (lisa) « young, wild and free »  EmptyVen 22 Mar - 17:00

Tu veux bien me décrire Melody s'il te plait ? (lisa) « young, wild and free »  258157067 (merlin, qu'est ce que j'aime ce prénom)
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(lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (lisa) « young, wild and free » (lisa) « young, wild and free »  EmptySam 23 Mar - 14:38

Moi je veuux !!! (lisa) « young, wild and free »  4271066558
Entre comateuse !!
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(lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (lisa) « young, wild and free » (lisa) « young, wild and free »  EmptySam 23 Mar - 20:18

HELENA BONHAM CARTER (lisa) « young, wild and free »  2164293255 (lisa) « young, wild and free »  258157067 (lisa) « young, wild and free »  2699700833 Ma Bellatrix d'amouuuuuuuuuuur. (lisa) « young, wild and free »  2684926262
Bien sur, on peut avoir qu'un lieu de malade !
Tu veux bien me décrire Olive s'il te plait ? (lisa) « young, wild and free »  258157067
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I-M. Pandora de Brissac
I-M. Pandora de Brissac

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Feuille de personnage

(lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (lisa) « young, wild and free » (lisa) « young, wild and free »  EmptyDim 24 Mar - 10:57

La flemme de changer de compte (lisa) « young, wild and free »  1869174067
Olive est un poil plus sympa que Bella (a) Elle sort de quinze ans de coma. Elle s'est fait renversé par une voiture alors qu'elle sortait de sa première représentation en tant que Danseuse étoile ou elle jouait la Belle au bois dormant, et que son petit ami de l'époque James (Peter Pan :) ) venait de la demander en mariage.
Olive est joyeuse, extrêmement sociable et extravertie, toujours très jeune dans sa tête, même si aujourd'hui elle a quarante ans, elle se sent toujours comme si elle en avait vingt cinq et que rien avait changé. Elle a un petit coté clodo, girls next doors, pour avec vécu de nombreuse année en tant que SDF avec James, alors qu'elle avait fuit ses parents riches et chiant. Elle est libre, c'est une petite boule d'énergie, même si ça vie est un peu compliqué en ce moment. James s'est marié avec sa nièce pendant qu'elle dormait. (a)
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Violetta A. Cheshire
Violetta A. Cheshire

posts : 466
arrivé(e) le : 19/03/2013
disponibilité pour rp : YEP :) !
avatar : Kristen Stewart (a)

(lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (lisa) « young, wild and free » (lisa) « young, wild and free »  EmptyDim 24 Mar - 14:44

Hum ok. Alors j'ai des idées, mais bon je propose et on voit pour le developper. XD Genre tu vois Liza & Henry ne se sont jamais vu, pourtant lorsque la première ils se croisent par hasard, ils ont l'impression de se connaitre. Mais aucun des deux ne dit rien et trace. Mais Henry reste obsédé par cette femme, et Liza aussi. Mais ils se rendent compte très vitre qu'ils sont dans le même quartier. Alors ils vont faire vite connaissance, mais dans le seul but de savoir qui est qui. Sauf que voilà pure anglaise, lui n'a jamais mis les pieds à Londres enfin pas à sa connaissance. Alors ils cherchent mais rien, quelques semaines passent et le feeling passe très bien. Jusqu'au jour ou Henry fais un rêve étrange, une rêve hot avec Liza. Mais il se voyait très jeune. Lors de son réveil, il se souvient de tout. Lors des vacances, il avait fait une colonie pour des jeunes de 16 ans. Il était attiré par une étudiante mais son post l'empêchait de rien faire. De plus, elle aussi semblé intéressé. Alors la veille du départ, la boom, il avait énormément bu, elle aussi et ils l'avaient fait. Sauf que voilà, il avait remis dans son lit comme si de rien n'était et avait effacé ce souvenir de sa tête. ? déjà l'idée te plait xd ? Cela collerait avec ton histoire ?
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(lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (lisa) « young, wild and free » (lisa) « young, wild and free »  EmptyDim 24 Mar - 14:48

Olive/Pando : Han je kiff trop Olive (lisa) « young, wild and free »  258157067 On peut qu'avoir du positif, genre une relation très fusionnelle qu'en dis-tu ? (lisa) « young, wild and free »  4137274141 Après on cherche, on approfondit pour faire une truc de la mort qui tue (lisa) « young, wild and free »  4271066558

Kiri : Une des principales raisons qui me font t'aimer c'est le flux d'idées qui traversent ta petite tête de kiri. (lisa) « young, wild and free »  4271066558 En tout cas l'idée est géniale. (lisa) « young, wild and free »  1112522673 Et oui ça aurait pu être tout à fait possible, parce qu'elle est tombée dans le coma à genre 16 ans mais en octobre What a Face (lisa) « young, wild and free »  1239689891
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Violetta A. Cheshire
Violetta A. Cheshire

posts : 466
arrivé(e) le : 19/03/2013
disponibilité pour rp : YEP :) !
avatar : Kristen Stewart (a)

(lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (lisa) « young, wild and free » (lisa) « young, wild and free »  EmptyDim 24 Mar - 14:50

Merci ma poulette (lisa) « young, wild and free »  4271066558 cela vient toujours comme ça ! XD Je ne sais pas d'où cela sort, mais tu m'inspire aussi (lisa) « young, wild and free »  258157067 donc euh je me disais on pourrait faire un rp ou le jeune homme lui raconte ben que voila la petite expérience XD Et voir ses réactions XD Razz ! cela va être marrant !
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(lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (lisa) « young, wild and free » (lisa) « young, wild and free »  EmptyDim 24 Mar - 16:18

En même temps, j'inspire tout le monde (lisa) « young, wild and free »  2684926262

Owééééééééé. (lisa) « young, wild and free »  3982057981
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(lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (lisa) « young, wild and free » (lisa) « young, wild and free »  Empty

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